Wednesday 11 December 2019

It's worth it

Grrrreeeetings, I often get asked what the point of going to study music is, what the benefits are and what you learn there that you couldn't learn on your own. Whilst I acknowledge that you certainly can learn a lot on your own as a self taught artist, there is a wealth of knowledge that people who have been studying for a long time and teaching are able to impart on you. So here are 6 things I learnt at music college. What do you think? Did you go to music college? Is it something you would consider? Subscribe to my channel by clicking this magic button: Twitter: Facebook: Greetings I'm Rob Chapman, I am a guitarist from Brighton in the UK. I am the frontman and guitarist for Dorje and Clockwork Wolf & co. as well demonstrator for Andertons Music and Thomann and I am also the founder/owner of Chapman Guitars. - I love making videos about guitar tuition, demonstration, reviews, and many other things. Chappers

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